【 How a project breaks... 】€‘

I'm not sure why I post this here... anyway, here's sth. I want to share. Maybe it can help us figure it out clearly: what's the differece between "screenwriter" and "playwright".

We need to function together as the creators of the adaptation, and work with a poet who will create lyrics, the language, for the story line or "screenplay" of our production. He asked, "Do you mean you want to work with a writer the way a film director works with a screenwriter?" And I said, yes. And he said that in that case, he really agreed that we should not pursue the project together. He did not speak angrily or resentfully. He spoke simply as someone trying to solve a technical problem. I said I would certainly understand if he wanted to continue to develop his version, and I agreed that he should only work with a director who loves his script. I said I would be very happy if he decided to produce my version, and help me find a writer to work with me, but I said I would understand if he prefers to go forward with his version.

This was the moment when he finally heard my words. He was very quiet for a moment, and I was quiet, too.


by Daniel KeKe @ 9:52:00 AM | 开刀 / 缝合ˆ | 固定连接 | [2]回复€